Why You Need to See an Emergency Dentist in Round Lake Beach

by | Dec 19, 2019 | cosmetic dentist

There are several problems that can affect your smile. It can be difficult to decide whether you should get urgent dental care or wait until the next day. There are several signs that indicate you will need to see an emergency dentist Round Lake Beach.

You Have Severe Tooth Pain

If you have severe tooth pain, then you have a dental problem that needs to be addressed. You may have an infection. An infection needs to be addressed quickly because it can spread from your mouth to the rest of your body. You may also have tooth decay.

You Have a Broken Tooth

There is no need for you to go to an emergency dentist if you have a chipped tooth. This is a problem that can wait. However, if you have a broken tooth, then you will need to see a dentist right away. A broken tooth can cause excruciating pain. Emergency dental care not only stops the pain, but it can also save your tooth.

You Have a Knocked Out Tooth

It is possible to save a tooth that has been knocked out. However, the key thing that you have to do in order to save a knocked out tooth is to see a dentist as soon as possible. You will need to put the tooth in a cup of milk until you can get to the dentist.

You Have a Swollen Mouth

There are several things that can cause your jaw or mouth to the swell. This includes swollen lymph nodes and infection. In rare cases, a swollen mouth can be a sign of cancer. An emergency dentist can determine the cause of the swelling.

If you are in need of an emergency dentist Round Lake Beach, then you will need to contact Reilly & Siegel Family Dental.

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