Wisdom Teeth Kittanning PA- Why is Removal Necessary?

by | Jan 30, 2013 | Dental Care

By the time you attain the age of 18 years, you are likely to have 32 teeth in your mouth. However, studies indicate that the average mouth holds 28 teeth. The last four teeth that grow to make the total 32 are known as wisdom teeth. If these teeth grow properly and they are not impacted, they do not have to be removed as they are healthy. However, in some other instances, due to limited space in the mouth, the teeth get impacted making removal necessary. The impacted teeth may grow sideways and partially emerge from the gum. Some may even remain trapped within the gum or the bone. Why is wisdom teeth Kittanning PA removal necessary?

* There are many problems that come with impacted wisdom teeth. For instance, if the teeth emerge partially, bacteria may accumulate around them and if not treated, an infection will eventually result. Some of the symptoms of infected teeth include swelling, pain and even stiffness of the muscles. The emerging teeth may also exert a lot of pressure on the surrounding teeth and this would cause orthodontic problems. In some severe cases, cysts and tumors may develop around the impacted teeth. It is therefore necessary to remove impacted teeth and save yourself the trouble that comes with them.

* You could be wondering about how Wisdom Teeth Kittanning PA procedures are conducted. Well, the procedure adopted when removing the teeth will depend on factors such as the position of the teeth and also their stage in development. Teeth that have erupted and are visible are easier to remove than teeth that are impacted deep into the gum and not even visible. At times, the teeth may even be embedded on the jawbone. This would require an incision into the gums so as to remove a portion of the bone that lies over the tooth. When the tooth is embedded on the bone, it will have to be removed in small pieces rather than being removed as a whole.

* When removing the wisdom teeth, the surrounding tissues have to be numbed by a local anesthesia. The anesthesia is for the purpose of preventing pain during the dental procedure. The dentist may also decide to administer some sedative in the patient so as to reduce anxiety during the dental procedure. Some of the common forms of sedatives that may be used include oral sedatives such as valium. Another common form of sedative is nitrous oxide which is also referred to as nitrous oxide.

How long will you take to recover after wisdom teeth removal? This will depend on the difficulty in extracting the impacted teeth. Simple extractions of erupted teeth heal much faster than extractions involving teeth embedded on the jaw bone.

For additional information on wisdom teeth Kittanning PA, the main problems that are often associated with wisdom teeth, why it is important to have impacted teeth removed.

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