The Road To Instant Youth With Botox Cosmetic in Oklahoma City

by | Nov 15, 2013 | Dentistry

Its been said that “your face is your fortune.” And perhaps it is. The first thing people see is your face, the expressions you make with it and your smile. This becomes the everlasting vision they have of you for years to come. Unfortunately at a certain point, you can look in the mirror to find your face betraying you with the lines and impressions of more years than you’d like to admit to.

Baumann and Lanman Dentistry is known for their experience and skill in cosmetic dentistry. The ability to freshen and make youthful a patient’s teeth is a non-surgical facelift in itself. Teeth yellowed by age, tobacco or foods can be lightened with Zoom Whitening. Cracked or chipped teeth can be reshaped and covered with porcelain veneers. Missing teeth and empty spaces can be artfully filled with dental implants and lifelike crowns. For many patients, remaking their dental profile finally gives them someone to smile about.

When first able to smile freely, many people then notice the lines and wrinkles about their mouth, eyes and brows. These signs of aging used to be something correctable by full or partial facelifts. However, these are surgical procedures that require general anesthesia and significant downtime. Definitely not suitable or advisable for every patient worried about the signs of aging. Luckily, now there are methods of removing the years from one’s face that necessitate little to no down time and be administered in minutes.

Botox Cosmetic in Oklahoma City is now found at this dental group to join dental rejuvenation techniques. Patients can have it performed in as little as a long lunch hour from work. That’s because those lines can now be smoothed with botox and facial areas can be plumped up with dermal fillers. Botox Cosmetic in Oklahoma City can freeze lines and wrinkles in a non-surgical and non-permanent manner.

For more information on botox, dermal fillers and how these treatments can work for you, please visit Learn how you can make your face a place where the years may have visited, but where they certainly do not show for months at a time.

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